
Golfer's Elbow

What is Golfer's Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is irritation to the muscles and tendons that attach to the inside of the elbow. It is typically caused by repetitive movements of the forearm and wrist and can be related to a number of different sports and work tasks, not just golfing! Symptoms include pain at the inside of the elbow, especially with actions like gripping and opening things like doorknobs or jars. Treating golfer’s elbow will include a combination of rest, hands on treatment to relieve the muscle tightness and pain, intramuscular stimulation (IMS) with needles, and specific stretches and exercises to strengthen the muscles to return to pain free function. You don’t have to keep living with pain. Call 403-982-5600 today to find out how our therapists can help you gain your Momentum back!


Raina Hawthorne is a physiotherapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Ltd. located in Okotoks, AB.

Achilles Tendinitis

Can physical therapy help my Achilles tendinitis?

The Achilles tendon, located near the heel on the back of the leg, helps you run, jump and walk.  When it becomes damaged or irritated, pain and limited range of motion will start to slow you down.  Achilles tendinitis has a variety of causes, but for most it is often a result of overusing the tendon.  Symptoms include burning pain on the back of the leg by the heel, inflammation, pain or stiffness, and sometimes a bump can be felt externally.  Our therapists at MOMENTUM are well versed in treating this condition.  You will enjoy taking an active part in your rehab with us as we assess and treat your pain through a variety of hands-on treatments and lead you through appropriate exercises and stretches to get you moving again. If you’re suffering with pain, don’t wait! Contact MOMENTUM Physical Therapy today at 403-982-5600.


Stephen Uhrbach is the clinic owner and lead physiotherapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Ltd. located in Okotoks, AB.