Jumper’s Knee
Jumper’s Knee is known medically as Patellar Tendonitis. It is an irritation or inflammation of the tendon just below the kneecap. It is often caused by overuse, improper alignment, or poor technique in sports that involve jumping and other activities like running, cycling, or squatting can also contribute to Jumper’s Knee. Jumper's Knee can cause pain at or just below the kneecap and often comes on slowly without a clear incident to cause the pain.
Treatment for any knee pain begins with a detailed history and a thorough assessment to determine the specific cause of the pain. Treating Jumper’s Knee will involve rest, addressing any inflammation, and changing improper movement patterns that have led to the injury. Additionally, Momentum Physiotherapists can provide manual treatments including massage, tendon frictions, intramuscular stimulation (IMS), and taping in order to help you decrease pain and return to your sport or activity.
If you have knee pain call MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab at 403-982-5600 to find out how our therapists can help get you moving again!
Raina Hawthorne is a physiotherapist at MOMENTUM Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Ltd. located in Okotoks, AB.